Statement of Spiritual Beliefs

Cooper Christian Academy is established and commissioned to equip our students based on the following statement of spiritual beliefs.

  • The foundation of our beliefs is the Word of God contained in the Old and New Testaments of the scriptures that was God-breathed into the minds of many authors. We believe it is inerrant and infallible in its original writings and was carefully and reliably translated into our language by men and women of God over the years who were led by God’s spirit. The Bible is the supreme and final authority as the Word of God in all matters of our faith and practice.
  • We believe in only one living and true God, who eternally exists in three persons: Father, Son, and Holy Spirit having all knowledge, power, and sovereignty over the entire universe including affairs of mankind. God is holy, infinite, and unchangeable.
  • We believe that Jesus Christ was conceived by the Holy Spirit, born to the Virgin Mary, and is truly God and truly man. We believe Jesus, the Son of God, is the one and only mediator between God and man. We believe He was crucified for the sins of man on a cross, died, and was buried and resurrected by God on the third day.
  • We believe the Holy Spirit is a distinct but equal person of the Triune God. He is eternal and transcendent. He convicts of sin and does the transforming work in believers’ hearts, minds, and souls. He teaches the Word of God to believers and empowers them with wisdom, gifts, and skills. The Holy Spirit always points believers to Jesus and dos not contradict the Word of God. He indwells the souls of believers and intercedes for them, is counselor to minds and hearts, ad brings unity in Christ. He is the seal of salvation for all who believe on the name of Jesus Christ.
  • We believe man and the universe in which he exists were created by a direct act of God. We also believe that God wonderfully  foreordained and immutably created each human being to be a unique person in His own image – male and female in conformity with their biological sex – and instituted marriage to be a relationship between one man and one woman in a single, exclusive union as a picture of God’s relationship with His church of believers. We believe that God’s intention is that there be no sexual intimacy outside or apart from a marriage between a man and a woman.
  • Although man was created in the image of God, he chose of his own free will, after being tempted by Satan, to sin, thereby introducing both physical and spiritual death into the lives of all mankind. After the introduction of sin in the Garden of Eden, all human beings are born with a sinful nature in thought, word, and deed and must be held accountable to a Holy God for their sins. Spiritual death results in eternal separation from God.
  • Because God is omniscient, He knew before the earth was created that man would fall into sin, fall out of fellowship with Himself, and need salvation. God had a plan from the beginning to give Jesus Christ as a representative and substitutionary sacrifice for the sins of man because God demands the shedding of blood for the remission of sin. All those who, by faith, trust and believe in Jesus and His shed blood are completely forgiven for their sins and become children of God and are being sanctified by God. Thus, faith and trust in Jesus is the only path to salvation.
  • We believe that Jesus Christ was resurrected form the dead on the third day after His crucifixion and, soon after, ascended into heaven and there sits at the right hand of God making intercession for the saved. We believe that our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ will return to our world to set up His kingdom where He will rule and reign in righteousness for a time.
  • We believe that physical death is not the end for any person who ever lived. We believe in the bodily resurrection of the saved to eternal blessedness in accordance with the pattern set by the resurrection of Jesus Christ and an eternal existence in the presence of God in Heaven. We also believe the unsaved will be resurrected and judged for their sins and unbelief and sentenced to eternal punishment in a horrible place called Hell, where Satan will also dwell, for all eternity.
  • We also believe Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, today, and forever. Since Jesus does not change, His teachings found in the Word of God do not change. Our academy will honor Him and His teachings by following the example of Jesus. CCA will strive to always stand for truth.

Since these core beliefs are based on the Bible, they shall not be amended under any circumstances as long as the academy shall exist.