Article 1: Name
The Name of the organization shall be Cooper Christian Academy (CCA) Parent Teacher Organization (PTO).
These standing rules shall be read by the Secretary at the first general membership meeting of the school year and at any other meeting by request.
These standing rules may be amended or rescinded by Cooper Christian Academy Parent Teacher Organization committee with the approval of the CCA Board of Directors and Cooper Chrisitan Academy Head of School.
Article II: Mission Statement and Purpose
Mission Statement:
Provide the necessary support and aid in the goals and mission of Cooper Christian Academy which is to provide a strong academic education and environment that honors God.
Develop a team of parents, teachers and staff that will be working together to effectively use their time, resources and talent to support the Christian based learning process at CCA and to help students become who God intended them to be.
Article III: Relationship with Cooper Christian Academy
The PTO is a volunteer organization and as such shall report to the Head of School with general oversight from the Board of Directors. The PTO Executive Committee shall communicate with the CCA Head of School concerning PTO goals and desires as well as foster a spirit of cooperation and teamwork. The PTO shall respect and support all established school policies and procedures set forth by the administrative and has no authority to change or violate such policies.
Article IV: Membership
All parents, legal guardians and grandparents of CCA students, as well as CCA’s faculty and staff are members of Cooper Christian Academy Parent Teacher Organization. As members, they have the right to attend meetings and vote on issues presented by the PTO.
Article V: PTO Executive Committee
CCA Staff Member:
Article VI: PTO Executive Committee Vacancies and Term Rules
Section 1: In the event of a vacancy on the Executive Committee, the President shall appoint to fill the position for the remainder of the term with the approval of the Head of School and Executive Committee.
Section 2: In the absence of the President, the Vice-President shall assume the duties of the President.
Section 3: In the absence of the Vice-President, the Secretary shall assume the duties of the Vice-President.
Section 4: In the absence of the Secretary, the Staff Member will assume the duties of the Secretary.
Section 5: If the office of the President becomes vacant during the term, the Vice-President shall immediately succeed to the office for the remainder of the term.
Section 6: Each office will have a term limit of two school years, but officers may remain on committees with approval, which includes approval of the Head of School and a majority PTO vote. Only one Executive member per school year will be replaced. The Board of Directors and Head of School have the right to nullify or amend this section as necessary.
Section 7: The term of officers begins June 1st and ends the following May 31st.
Section 8: Nominating candidates for Executive Committee offices are eligible to parents or legal guardians as long as they are in good standing with CCA and are up to date on tuition/fees at least 30 days prior to the vote.
Section 9: Nominations will be announced and voted on in May of each year that an officer is due for revote.
Article VII: Parent Teacher Organization Meetings
Section 1: The PTO shall hold at least two general meetings per semester. The President and the Head of School may agree to cancel a meeting under extraordinary circumstances.
Section 2: The Executive Committee shall meet once a semester and once in the summer except under extraordinary circumstances. The President shall have the power to set the date and time of all meetings with an Executive Committee majority vote. The meeting dates and agendas will be posted in a public location as well as be distributed at general meetings.
Section 3: The President will attend Board of Directors meetings as directed to deliver PTO reports.